Sunday, August 12, 2012

Birthdays Abroad...

Last year, I celebrated my birthday with new friends and no family, as Rob & Belle were still in the US. This year, the family went to Dubai for a night, and most of our friends are in the US or other destinations.

Rob and Belle hit the ski slopes of Ski Dubai, while I had an iced coffee at the Starbucks in Borders and looked at books, and did a little shopping for baby T.  Then we headed to the Dubai Mall so I could have Red Lobster for dinner, followed by a stop at Baskin Robbins for banana splits.... yeah, I'm an American girl. ;)  At Baskin Robbins, we ran into some friends from Al Ain who were staying in the same hotel.  I guess this means we've made the UAE our home when we run into people we know in other cities.

In the morning, Belle and I enjoyed the rooftop pool. She was excited to see the Burj Khalifa from the pool. I was happy that the pool took the edge off the humidity and heat.

Now, we're back in Al Ain, waiting for our friends to return from their summer holidays, preparing for the school year and watching in-coming EMTs prepare to make the transition from hotel to housing, as they begin their own adventures.

I plan on spending more time at the pool in the coming weeks, reading, and doing a couple crochet projects that my amazing friends from NH have been kind enough to ship to me. If you are in Littleton, NH and like to knit or crochet, you should absolutely visit their shop. Now, I'm off to make a pumpkin hat in my super clean house (thanks to the fabulous maid my husband hired!).

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