Sunday, April 24, 2011

Happy Easter and the joys of lists...

Tonight, I am sitting next to two lists that keep getting longer: one for me, and one for Rob.  I have two school applications to complete for Belle which require me to get her school records and begin the withdrawal process from her elementary school.  We are looking for a new home for our rabbit, who celebrated his 2nd birthday with us today (with a strawberry and two carrots) and Belle & I are returning to school tomorrow now that our vacation week is over.

I've prepared lesson plans for the next two weeks (one class is finishing a unit on colonial literature, while another is beginning a unit on propaganda, and my creative writing class will be learning about responding/peer feedback) and helped to plan our Middle/High School Voices & Scholastic Writing Awards celebration coming up in May.  When I get back to school tomorrow, I will start meeting with the graduation speakers for the Class of 2011 as they prepare their speeches.  All this on top of leaving the country in just a few short months. I'm feeling stressed/overwhelmed by the number of things left to do before the August 1st deadline and I can't decide what luggage to purchase to hold the items we'll take with us. 

So, tonight, I'm going to think about all the blessings we were graced with today.  We spent the day celebrating Easter. Belle completed two egg hunts (at home & at our church), we went to church as a family, and then we spent the afternoon with Rob's family for dinner, four-wheeling, and visiting.  Rob held frog eggs so our nephew & Belle could touch them and marvel at the small lifeforms inside. My brother-in-law, Chris, retrieved an old bird's nest so the children could see the wonders of nature.  Our daughter decided she had received too much for Easter and shared her treats with others. Audrey & Josh celebrated their first wedding anniversary.  And most importantly, we were surrounded by people who cared about us and who we care for. 

Worrying about all that we need to do can wait for tomorrow because next year, Easter will be very different. Today was a good day.

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